Friends’ Alumni Community Reps Meeting, Monday 26 October 2020

Posted on November 9, 2020


Lucy Loney (Ogilvie) (‘88) Convener, Roly Hill (‘59), Andrew Kibbey (‘95), Mary Woolnough (‘69), Bill Avery, Director of Community Engagement, Nelson File, Principal.


Sam Cairnduff (‘94), Flick Boucher (‘89), Jade Galbally (‘95)

Topics discussed:

  • In partnership with the School, the Reps are developing the School’s LinkedIn page. We encourage all former students on LinkedIn to include the School in their education section by selecting The Friends’ School in the drop-down box so that you will appear in the Alumni section.
  • The first Friends’ Hobart Club event will be held in the coming months. This will be an informal gathering for all Friends’ alumni community members including former students, former staff, past parents, volunteers and friends of the School. Update your details to ensure you receive the info.
  • Reunions for the Class of 2019 and Class of 2015 remain scheduled for December, assuming it is safe to do so. Reunions for the Classes of 2010, 2000, 1990, 1980 and 1970, that were scheduled to occur during 2020, have now been rescheduled in 2021. Further details at Reunions & Events.
  • Alumni Rep Samuel Cairnduff (‘94) welcomed the Class of 2020 to the alumni community at the recent Year 12 Leavers’ Service. See the full Leavers’ Service here.
  • More than 700 alumni have received calls and cards from Board Members, students and staff as part of the School’s ‘care and concern’ initiative during the global pandemic. Many thoughtful responses have been received by the School brightening everybody’s days during a difficult time.
  • Community donations during 2020 to the Emergency Fee Relief Fund have totalled $43,234.56 helping 35 families in financial distress to remain at the School. Further donations totalling $38,519.24 have been made to the School’s tax-deductible Scholarships & Bursaries, Building & Development and Library Funds.
  • The Impact of Giving Report 2019 is out now, and the second edition of The Torch will be distributed in the coming weeks.

Next Meeting: Monday 15 February, 2020

Your Ideas: Got a great idea? Ready to tell your Friends’ story? Please get in touch!

Lucy Loney (Ogilvie) (1988) (Convener)

Flick Boucher (1989)

Sam Cairnduff (1994)

Jade Galbally (1995), Melbourne

Roly Hill (1959), Western Australia

Andrew Kibbey (1995), Melbourne

Mary Woolnough (1969)

Roger Stilwell (1956), British Columbia, Canada

Alex Given (2009), London, UK

Tessa Fink (1999), Germany

About the Friends’ Alumni Community

The Friends’ Alumni Community (FAC) encompasses alumni and their families, former staff and volunteers, and friends of the School – wherever you are in the world. Membership is automatic – there is no application or membership fee. If you wish to receive updates about the activities of this group please ensure your details are up to date.

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