2022 Simpson Prize Competition | Runner-up – Tasmania
Posted on July 15, 2022
The Simpson Prize is a national essay competition open to all Years 9 and 10 students in Australia, that focuses on the legacy of ANZAC. This year’s competition question was ‘To what extent have the Gallipoli campaign and the Western Front overshadowed other significant aspects of Australians’ experience of the First World War?’
The Simpson Prize requires entrants to respond to the question above using both the Simpson Prize Australian War Memorial Source Selection (which can be found at https://www.awm.gov.au/learn/schools/simpson2022) and your own research. Entrants are encouraged to discuss and respond to the question from a variety of perspectives, both individual and national using a variety of sources. Entrants are expected to make effective use of a minimum of four of the sources provided (see link above). Up to half of your response should also make use of information drawn from your own knowledge and research.

We were delighted that Eve Cooper was selected by the judging panel as Runner-up of the 2022 Simpson Prize Competition for Tasmania. Many outstanding entries were submitted and Eve is to be congratulated on this achievement.
Listen to Eve’s interview with Ryk Goddard from ABC Radio Hobart and ABC Northern Tasmania here. Eve talks about why she chose to enter the competition, what she learnt through her research in writing the essay, perception of heroes then and now, organisations that people had never heard of before, and more.
The Simpson Prize Advisory Committee (SPAC) are currently considering the timing, location, and format of ceremonies at which Winners and Runners-Up from each state and territory will be recognised for their achievements. We remain hopeful that these will include a Canberra experience visiting historical institutions and commemorative sites.
The 2022 Simpson Prize Results can be found here