Congratulations to the Taz Racing team, the new SB20 Australian Champions! Current Friends’ students Ed Reid and Harry Gregory, along with Friends’ Alumni Will Sargent…
Happy Valentines Day! The Friends’ School has always aimed to foster an inclusive and caring community, with many of our alumni expressing how many good…
The last term of any school year brings the inevitable staff changes with retirements, resignations and periods of leave. Each person listed below has made…
Principal’s Address for End of Year Gathering 2019 Living in Community has always been central to Quakerism. While all Schools strive to be in community,…
Congratulations to our very own Jane Bamford (Art & Ceramics Aide) for winning the Design for Impact award at the Design Tasmania Awards 2019.Jane has…
On the evening of Friday 18 October, the five students in the VET Hospitality class hosted a four-course, sit down dinner for over 30 guests including…
We are very proud of our Friends’ community - including past students and current! - playing and participating in the new Hockey One National Competition.
Congratulations to the Morris Year 5/6 Friends’ Maths Relay teams who finished first and second statewide in the Mathematics Association of Tasmania’s 5/6 Primary relay held last Sunday at Rosny College.
Old Scholar Ali Foley (1995 Leaver) is the founder of Ten Little Pieces, an environmental organisation that encourages people to collect ten pieces of plastic rubbish from wherever they are at any time, to reduce the amount of plastic that is polluting our environment.