
The Friends’ School offers a wide variety of co-curricular activities as an important adjunct to the academic program. We encourage all students to participate in at least one sport and to take part in some musical, dramatic, cultural and service activities.

Co-curricular activities enrich our academic program.

The Year 7 – 12 Co-Curricular Program provides a range of valuable educational experiences in addition to those provided by the School’s formal curriculum.

Co-curricular activities are broadly grouped and described under the headings of Sport, Music, Service, and Enrichment and Extension.

We encourage all students to participate in at least one sport and to take part in some musical, dramatic, cultural or service activities.

Each student from Years 7-12 is encouraged to undertake at least 10 hours of school or community service each year.

Please note: Some co-curricular activities may involve an additional cost (uniform, instrument hire, etc).



