Our centre

Friends’ Early Learning caters for babies from 12 weeks to children enrolled in our 3-4 year old Kindergarten program. Our Centre has four room-based groups which are organised by children’s age and stage of development. Each of these groups has a dedicated educational team, coordinated by a Lead Educator, who work collaboratively to design engaging learning experiences and build supportive relationships with children and families over time. We believe in the importance of the continuity of care and educational experience; to meet this we ensure our staff teams plan together weekly, building on their knowledge of children and the learning process. Our educational teams plan and work responsively as they listen to children’s ideas and interests, extending these and developing important skills and dispositions along the way. 

The Learning Environment

We know that the environment is considered to be a powerful activator of learning for children. Our learning environments are carefully designed and created to stimulate children’s curiosity and engagement. We make full use of the Early Learning context as well as many areas of the Morris Primary School Campus such as the large green playing fields, the Library and the School vegetable garden. Our Early Learning garden bridges connections between the indoors and outdoors, children are encouraged to access these areas in ‘free flow’ at different times during the day. Physical activity and gross motor play is encouraged as well as quieter moments of relaxation and reflection. Sand and water play provide vital connection to the material environment and our sustainability garden is a popular space with our children as they enjoy opportunities to plant, grow and eat their own fruits and vegetables throughout the year.

Outside School Hours Care is available in the Frank Wells Hall for school-aged students before and after school hours. The Outside School Hours Care team also work in the Early Learning Centre across the week, releasing room teams for planning time, this ensures that all of our educators have strong knowledge of the children in our care.